30 January 2011

4 days


There are 4 days until the beginning of an important year for me. That's right, my final year of school is swiftly approaching, and I can only hope (although I may regret it later) that it will go quickly.

I suppose it is exciting to know that I will be free when this is all over, but what alarms me is the amount of work I will have to wade through in order to reach my destination. Being the last one in my family who is in school makes me feel left behind, as if everyone will be moving on to greater things but I will still have to wear the same uniform, same muddy shoes, and lug the same heavy textbooks around!

I am quite nervous about this year because it will be the first (and last!) time I will have to regularly attend Saturday school. I'm worried that I will not be able to cope. I am afraid I will be ambushed by that thief of time and will be unable to motivate myself, unable to concentrate.

Hopefully this year will not be as bad as I imagine it to be.

PS. I'm not usually this gloomy :)

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